We strongly encourage applications from under-represented groups, such as women, racial and ethnic or any other minorities (we are a member of ALBA, a network for diversity in neuroscience). We believe in the power of diversity and in the creative solutions and welcoming enviroment that it creates.

You will be working on AI-driven brain-wide credit assignment -- contributing to solving some of the most exciting and important problems in neuroscience. Get in touch directly (email) if this sounds exciting!


There are a number of prestigious fellowships available that would allow you to lead exciting research at the intersection between neuroscience and machine learning in collaboration with our group, such as:

PhD students

Oxford has a number of doctoral programs/funding which would allow you to join our group:

Master students

We encourage you to apply to the MSc in Neuroscience at Oxford, in which you will be exposed to the latest neuroscience research, including systems and computational neuroscience. Our group contributes to the Computational Neuroscience module. You can then do your Master thesis in our group exploring the new exciting field of neuroAI.

Neural & ML       Neural & ML       first.verylast (at) dpag.ox.ac.uk

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