NML group news archive

22/01/25: 3 posters and talk at Cosyne'25

Our group will be presenting 3 selected posters at Cosyne’25. Rui will be also be giving a talk at one of the workshops.

20/01/25: Jascha awarded Career Development Research Fellowship

Jascha Achterberg has just been awarded a highly competitive Career Development Fellowship by St Johns College, University of Oxford. Congrats!

30/12/24: Paper now out in Nature Comms (Cerebellum for fast and adaptive control of the cortex)

Our latest paper on a computational model of the cerebellum as a fast and adaptive controller of cortical dynamics has just been published online in Nature Communications.

08/10/24: Joe awarded prize for outstanding PhD thesis

Joe Pemberton was awarded a prize for outstanding excellence in his PhD thesis on cortico-cerebellar interactions.

15/07/24: Prize and talks at the UK Neural Computation and UCL NeuroAI meetings

Michal was recently awarded the best poster prize at the UK Neural Computation in Sheffield meeting for his work on a controller framework of PFC dynamics over learning. Rui also gave at the same meeting and the UCL NeuroAI meeting in London.

20/05/24: Rui joins eLife as Reviewing Editor

Our group supports eLife vision towards a more transparent, quick and inclusive publication process. Rui has now joined eLife as Reviewing Editor.

08/05/24: Dabal completed his PhD

Dabal had a successful PhD viva. Huge congrats! Looking forward to what comes next.

05/04/24: BP(λ) theory and Avvisati et al. accepted

We have just had two papers accepted: BP(λ) theory in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TLMR) and Avvisati et al. in Cell Reports – a collaborative project on dopaminergic diversity.

13/03/24: Talks at NYU and Columbia University

Rui has recently given talks at Neural Science centre at NYU and the Neurotheory Centre at Columbia University on brain-wide credit assignment, including some of our recent work on cortical and cortico-cerebellar modelling.

01/03/24: Ian and Jascha join the group as postdocs

We are pleased to have Ian Cone and Jascha Achterberg joining us as postdoctoral researchers. Welcome!

22/01/24: 3 posters and talk selected for Cosyne'24

Our group will be presenting 3 posters at Cosyne’24 and a selected talk. Rui will be also be giving a talk at one of the workshops.

01/12/23: Michal joins as a postdoc

We are excited to have Michał Wójcik joining us as a postdoc. Welcome! Two more postdocs to join very soon.

30/09/23: Joe completed his PhD

Joe had a successful PhD viva. Huge congrats! Looking forward to what you do next.

25/09/23: Talk at neuroAI Bernstein workshop

Rui is giving a talk at the workshop on Biologically plausible learning in artificial neural networks, part of the Computational Neuroscience Bernstein Conference in Berlin.

31/07/23: We are hiring two postdocs

We are hiring two postdocs funded by our ERC-UKRI grant. Link here.

17/07/23: Rui at the Cajal NeuroML course

Rui will be lecturing at the Cajal Machine Learning for Neuroscience course at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon.

13/07/23: EPSRC New Investigator Award

We have just been awarded a EPSRC New Investigator Award to continue our work at the intersection between deep learning and cortico-cerebellar loops.

07/07/23: We are moving to Oxford (and hiring!)

We are moving to the University of Oxford, embedded in the world-class Oxford Neuroscience. Exciting times ahead! We are hiring 2-3 postdocs, get in touch if you are interested.

03/07/23: Mini neuroAI workshop

We just hosted a mini neuroAI workshop with invited visitors from Bristol, Oxford, UCL and Deepmind. It was great fun!

01/06/23: NMLG at CCN'2023 (4 posters and co-organisation)

We will present 4 posters at the upcoming Cognitive Computational Neuroscience conference (Oxford, UK) and we are also helping organise it.

15/05/23: Anne, Ellen and Heng have finished their PhDs

Over the last months we have had Anne Lene-Sax, Ellen Boven and Heng Zhu sucessfully finishing their PhDs. Huge congrats!

05/05/23: Talks at be.AI conference and Bernstein Compneuro Centre

Rui gave a talk at the be.AI Conference, Brighton organised by the University of Sussex, and a few weeks back at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience in Berlin.

02/05/23: NMLG at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Joe Pemberton is tutoring for the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cameroon.

26/04/23: NeuroAI workshop at BNA2023

Our very own Maija Filipovica is co-organising and presenting her own work at the neuroAI workshop, British Neuroscience Festival 2023 jointly with Srikanth Ramaswamy.

10/02/23: NMLG to take part in NeuroAI workshop

We have been invited to take part in the Bio-inspired deep learning workshop organised by Max Eggl and Laura Timón at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt.

03/02/23: BBSRC grant awarded

We have just been awarded a grant by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) to pursue research on AI-driven cognitive computational neuroscience.

02/02/23: Talk at Carnegie Mellon

Will has recently given a talk at Carnegie Mellon’s brAIn seminar on deep learning in cortico-cortical networks.

23/01/23: 6 posters and a talk at Cosyne'23

Our group will be presenting 6 posters at Cosyne’23 on topics that circle around AI-driven brain-wide credit assignment, and Rui will be giving a talk at the ‘Making plasticity work’ workshop.

05/01/23: AI theory of how the small brain helps the big brain

We have just published a new paper in Nature Communications on a deep learning model of how the mini brain (cerebellum) helps the big brain (cerebrum) learn across both motor and cognitive tasks, which captures a number of observations while making several experimental predictions.

24/11/22: Talk at Oxford

We will soon give a talk on AI-driven rapid and robust brain-wide credit assignment at the University of Oxford.

22/11/22: ERC Starting grant awarded

We have just been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council to pursue our work on AI-driven modelling of learning in cortex-wide networks. Long-term postdoc positions openning soon! Get in touch if you are interested.

31/10/22: Talk at the Gatsby Unit, UCL

We will soon give a talk on AI-driven brain-wide credit assignment at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Gatsby Unit, UCL.

14/09/22: Two papers accepted at NeurIPS'22

We just had two papers accepted at NeurIPS’22. First, work led by Will and Heng on a new biologically plausible and powerful model of backprop-like credit assignment in cortical networks. Second, work led by Milton on combinatorial generalisation in deep neural networks.

25/08/22: New paper out on control of exc-inh balance throughout development

Short-term plasticity is well known to change over development. Why is this? In our new paper now out at Communications Biology we propose that it controls exc-inh balance to maintain healthy firing rates throughout development.

23/06/22: Research visit and talk at NYU, and internship at Amazon

Our group has recently given a talk to Xiao-Jing Wang’s lab at NYU. Kevin is doing a month long research visit to David Schneider’s lab (NYU) and Milton a summer research internship at Amazon.

01/06/22: MRC grant on AI-driven brain modelling

We have just been awarded a grant by the Medical Research Council to pursue our work on AI-driven brain modelling. Two postdoc positions openning soon!

28/01/22: 5 posters and one talk selected for Cosyne'22

We just had 5 posters (two of which shortlisted for a talk) and one talk selected for Cosyne’22 on topics that circle around credit assignment in cortical circuits, cerebro-cerebellar networks, hippocampal networks and its control via neuromodulation.

27/01/22: (New preprint) Cerebro-cerebellar networks as feedback prediction machines

Our new exciting story inspired by a recent deep learning framework on cerebro-cerebellar networks as feedback prediction machines with a range of experimental predictions is now on bioRxiv!

26/01/22: Posters at NAISys'22

Our group was present at the From Neuroscience to Artificially Intelligent Systems meeting with four posters.

29/09/21: Paper accepted at NeurIPS'2021 (Top 30 out of ~9000)

Our new exciting story on cortico-cerebellar networks as decoupled neural interfaces was just accepted at NeurIPS’2021. Top 30 paper out of ~9000 submissions!!

01/09/21: Review on biological and artificial replay

New review out in Trends in Neuroscience contrasting the role of replay in biological and artificial reinforcement learning.

13/08/21: Presentations at Champalimaud'21 and ACAIN'21

Our group will be presenting six posters (five travel awards) at the Champalimaud Symposium, which this year will explore Dialogues on Neural and Machine Intelligence. And two talks at the 1st Advanced Online & Onsite Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience. Look out for our work if you are around (or online).

19/01/21: COSYNE and ICLR submissions accepted

We just got four submissions accepted at the leading conference in our field COSYNE, and one at one of the leading deep learning venues ICLR. See our publications above for more details and join us at COSYNE and ICLR to learn more about our work!

15/01/21: Maija awarded EPSRC studentship​

After a MSc and RA positions in Computational Neuroscience at the University of Birmingham, Maija Filipovica, was just awarded a EPSRC studentship to do her PhD in our group!​​​​

23/10/20: CCN 2020 GAC workshop on biological recurrent learning

We accepted the challenge and co-organised a Generative Adversarial Collaboration as part of CCN’2020 on learning in biological recurrent neural networks. More info here.

20/08/20: NeurIPS 2020 workshop on biological and artificial reinforcement learning (BARL)

This year we are again co-organizing a workshop that brings together the biological and artificial RL communities at NeurIPS’2020. More info here.

08/07/20: International mini-workshop

We took part in a online mini-workshop with the labs of Richard Naud (Ottawa) and Blake Richards (McGill/MILA) on computational neuroscience and machine learning. New exciting ways of sciencing in the COVID era.

20/06/20: NMLG takes part in Neuromatch academy

Ellen, Heng and Will will participate in the new online computational neuroscience summer school, Neuromatch Academy.

17/06/20: E-talk at University of Sussex

Rui gave a talk at the University of Sussex to the Alergic (Artificial life seminars).

28/02/20: NML group at Greta Climate Srike

We joined thousands of people for the climate strike with Greta Thunberg in Bristol – our planet! our future!

20/02/20: Samia with poster accepted at COSYNE

Samia is presenting her work on understanding hippocampal representations during reinforced continual learning at Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2020.

12/12/19: New NML website launched

We have launched a new website. Many thanks to the Kording Lab for the template!

28/10/19: New prespective out on deep neuroscience

New perspective out in Nature Neuroscience on deep learning as a framework for neuroscience.

11/09/19: Samia with paper accepted at the RL NeurIPS workshop

Samia (MSc student) had a short paper accepted at the RL NeurIPS workshop.

22/08/19: New review on model-based synaptic transmission inference

Our review on model-based synaptic transmission inference now out in Frontiers in Synaptic Neurosience [Special Issue on Methods for Synaptic Interrogation].

11/08/19: NeurIPS 2019 workshop on biological and artificial reinforcement learning

Together with reseachers at Imperial College London, McGill University, Deepmind, MILA and others we are organising a NeurIPS workshop on biological and artificial reinforcement learning. More info here.

05/08/19: Rui kayaks Kenneth and Avon Canal for AvonNeedsTrees

Rui kayaked the Kenneth and Avon canal (~90 miles) for AvonNeedsTrees

01/08/19: Milton had (short) paper accepted at CCN

Milton had (short) paper accepted at the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Conference on gated-RNNs for working memory.

04/07/19: David passed his PhD viva with minor corrections!

David passed his PhD viva at the University of Oxford with minor corrections, congrats!

03/06/19: William Greedy awarded EPSRC studentship​

After a MSc in Machine Learning and CompNeuro at the University of Edinburgh, William Greedy, was just awarded a EPSRC studentship to do his PhD in our group!​​​​

02/06/19: Anne-Lene does summer research visit with Wei Ji Ma (NYU)

Anne-Lene is spending the summer at New York University working with Wei Ji Ma.

01/06/19: Bristol CNU launched new website

The Bristol Computational Neuroscience Unit have launched a new website. Many thanks to the Kording Lab for the template!

15/05/19: Posters accepted at UK Neural Computation 2019

Milton, Raymond and Callum had two posters accepted at the UK Neural Computation 2019 meeting.

10/03/19: Joe Pemberton awarded EPSRC studentship​

After a MSc in Machine Learning and Compneuro at the University of Edinburgh, Joe Pemberton, was just awarded a EPSRC studentship to do his PhD in our group!​​​​

10/01/19: Raymond with poster accepted at COSYNE 2019

Raymond got a poster accepted at COSYNE’2019, in sweet Lisbon, Portugal.

10/09/18: New review on the computational roles of plastic probabilistic synapses

Our review on the computational roles of plastic probabilistic synapses is now out in Current Opinion in Neurobiology (w/ Llera-Montero M and Sacramento J)

Neural & ML       Neural & ML       first.verylast (at) dpag.ox.ac.uk

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