Google Scholar Profile
Google Scholar Profile


Distinct roles of cortical layer 5 subtypes in associative learning
Moberg S, Garibbo M, Mazo C, Gilad A, Schmitz D, Costa RP, Larkum ME and Takahashi N

A cortical microcircuit for region-specific credit assignment in reinforcement learning
Chevy Q, Szadai Z, Hertäg L, Moll M, Gibson ET, Costa RP, Rozsa B and Kepecs A

Self-supervised predictive learning accounts for cortical layer-specificity
Nejad KK, Anastasiades P, Hertäg L* and Costa RP* [* equal supervision]
BioRxiv:590916 [Cosyne’24 talk]

Hippocampal networks support reinforcement learning in partially observable environments
Pedamonti D*, Mohinta S*, Dimitrov M, Malagon-Vina H, Ciocchi S and Costa RP [* equal contributions]

Depression impairs metacognitive biases, but not learning
Sax AL, Baddeley R and Costa RP

Journals and peer-reviewed proceedings

Cerebellar-driven cortical dynamics can enable task acquisition, switching and consolidation
Pemberton J, Chadderton P and Costa RP
Nature Communications, 15, 10913, December 2024

The short-term plasticity of VIP interneurons in motor cortex
McFarlan AR, Gomez I, Chou CYC, Alcolado A, Costa RP and Sjöström PJ
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 16, 1433977, August 2024

Distributional coding of associative learning in discrete populations of midbrain dopamine neurons
Avvisati R, Kaufmann AK, Young CJ, Portlock GE, Cancemi S, Costa RP, Magill PJ and Dodson PD
Cell Reports, 43, April 2024

BP(λ): Online learning via synthetic gradients
Pemberton R and Costa RP
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TLMR), April 2024

Cerebro-cerebellar networks facilitate learning through feedback decoupling
Boven E*, Pemberton J*, Chadderton P, Apps R and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Nature Communications, 14, 51, January 2023
[Highlighted as one of the most exciting papers in neuroscience by Nature Comms]

Single-phase deep learning in cortico-cortical networks
Greedy W*, Zhu HW*, Pemberton J, Mellor J and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Proceedings of 36th Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, USA, 2022
[Selected for oral (<1% rate); 5min video here]

Developmental depression-to-facilitation shift controls excitation-inhibition balance
Jia DW, Vogels TP* and Costa RP* [* co-senior author]
Communications Biology, 5, 873, August 2022

Lost in latent space: disentangled models and the challenge of combinatorial generalisation
Montero ML, Bowers J, Costa RP, Ludwig C and Malhotra G
Proceedings of 36th Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, USA, 2022

Pre- and postsynaptically expressed STDP contribute differentially to neuronal learning
Mizusaki BEP, Li SSY, Costa RP, Sjöström PJ
PLoS Computational Biology 18(6), June 2022

Current state and future directions for learning in biological recurrent neural networks: a perspective piece
Prince L, Boven E, Eyono R, Ghosh A, Pemberton J, Scherr F, Clopath C, Costa RP, Maass W, Richards B, Savin C and Wilmes KA
Neurons, Behavior, Data Analysis and Theory (NBDT), April 2022

Cortico-cerebellar networks as decoupling neural interfaces
Pemberton J*, Boven E*, Apps R and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Proceedings of 35th Neural Information Processing Systems, Sidney, Australia (Online), 2021
[Top 30 paper out of ~9000 submissions]

Learning offline: memory replay in biological and artificial reinforcement learning
Roscow E, Chua R, Costa RP, Jones M and Lepora N
Trends in Neuroscience, Volume 44, Issue 10, October 2021

The role of disentanglement in generalisation
Montero ML, Ludwig C, Costa RP, Malhotra G, Bowers J
Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Representations, Online, May 2021
[code, slides]

A deep learning framework for neuroscience
Richards BA*, Lillicrap TP*, (…) Costa RP, (…) Therien D* and Kording KP* [* equal contrib.]
Nature Neuroscience, 22, pages 1761–1770, 2019

Model-based inference of synaptic transmission
Bykowska O, Gontier C, Sax AL, Jia DW, Montero ML, Bird A, Houghton C, Pfister JP and Costa RP
Front. Synaptic Neurosci. Special Issue on Methods for Synaptic Interrogation, 11:21, 2019

Computational roles of plastic probabilistic synapses [preprint]
Montero ML, Sacramento J and Costa RP
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 54, 2019

Dendritic cortical microcircuits approximate the backpropagation algorithm
Sacramento J, Costa RP, Bengio Y and Senn W
Proceedings of 32nd Neural Information Processing Systems, Montreal, Canada, 2018
[selected for 1/30 orals out of 4800 submissions]
See also a more neurosciency version: Dendritic error backpropagation in deep cortical microcircuits

Cortical microcircuits as gated-recurrent neural networks
Costa RP*, Assael YM*, Shillingford B*, Freitas N and Vogels TP [* equal contribution]
Proceedings of 31st Neural Information Processing Systems, Long Beach, US, 2017
[Highlighted by MIT Tech Review; 3rd party code available here]

Differential regulation of evoked and spontaneous release by presynaptic NMDA receptors
Abrahamsson T, Chou CYC, Li Sally, Mancino A, Costa RP, Nuro E, Brock JA, Buchanan KA, Elgar D, Blackman AV, Tudor-Jones AA, Oyrer J, Farmer WT, Murai KK and Sjöström PJ
Neuron, Volume 96, Issue 10, Nov 2017

Synaptic transmission optimization predicts expression loci of long-term plasticity
Costa RP, Padamsey Z, D’Amour JA, Emptage NJ, Froemke RC and Vogels TP
Neuron, Volume 96, Issue 7, Sept 2017
[data/model, video, press release, preview by Poirazi and Kastellakis]

Functional consequences of pre- and postsynaptic expression of synaptic plasticity
Costa RP, Mizusaki BEP, Sjöström PJ and van Rossum MCW
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 372, 2017

Unified pre- and postsynaptic long-term plasticity enables reliable and flexible learning
Costa RP, Froemke RC, Sjöström PJ* and van Rossum MCW* [* co-senior authors]
eLife; 4:e09457 2015
[data, code]

Probabilistic inference of short-term synaptic plasticity in neocortical microcircuits
Costa RP, Sjöström PJ and van Rossum MCW
Frontiers in Computational Neurosci. 7:75, 2013

How to train a neuron [Insight on Pawlak et al. eLife (2013)]
Costa RP, Watt AJ and Sjöström PJ
eLife; 2e00491 2013

Target-cell-specific short-term plasticity in local circuits
Blackman AV, Abrahamsson T, Costa RP, Lalanne T and Sjöström PJ
Front. in Synaptic Neurosci. 5:11, 2013

Target-specific expression of presynaptic NMDA receptors in neocortical microcircuits
Buchanan KA*, Blackman AV*, Moreau AW*, Elgar D*, Costa RP, Lalanne T, Tudor Jones AA, Oyrer J and Sjöström PJ [* equal contribution]
Neuron, Volume 75, Issue 3, Aug 2012

One cell to rule them all, and in the dendrites bind them [commentary on Legenstein and Maass (2011). J. Neurosci. 31]
Costa RP and Sjöström PJ
Frontiers in Synaptic Neurosci. 3:5, 2011

EPILAB: A software package for studies on the prediction of epileptic seizures
Teixeira CA, Direito B, Feldwisch H, Valderrama M, Costa RP, Alvarado-Rojas C, Nikolopoulos S, Le Van Quyen M, Timmer J, Schelter B and Dourado A
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 200, Issue 2, Sept 2011
[Shortlisted for 2012 Brain Computer Interface Research Award; toolbox]

A Computational Environment for Long-Term Multi-Feature and Multi-Algorithm Seizure Prediction
Teixeira CA, Direito B, Costa RP, Valderrama M, Feldwisch H, Nikolopoulos S, Le Van Quyen M, Schelter B and Dourado A
Proceedings of 32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS, 2010

Hyponymy Extraction and Web Search Behavior Analysis Based On Query Reformulation
Costa RP and Seco N
Proceedings of 11th Ibero-American on Artificial Intelligence, Oct 2008

Epileptic Seizure Classification Using Neural Networks With 14 Features
Costa RP, Oliveira P, Rodrigues G, Direito B and Dourado A
Proceedings of 12th International on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Sept 2008

Enrichment of Automatically Generated Texts using Metaphor
Hervás R, Costa RP, Costa H, Gervás P and Pereira FC
Proceedings of 6th Mexican International on Artificial Intelligence, Nov 2007

Peer-reviewed conference/workshop posters

Back to the present: self-supervised learning in neocortical microcircuits
Nejad KK, Anastasiades P, Hertäg L and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2024 [selected for talk!]

Learning dynamics in the PFC can be explained by an external controller
Pemberton J*, Wojcik M* and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2024

Cholinergic control of cortical circuits for reinforcement learning
Chevy Q, Hertäg L, Balazs R, Szadai Z, Costa RP and Kepecs A
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2024

Learning, selectivity, and robustness: an AI-inspired model of the cholinergic system
Filipovica M, Nejad K, Greedy W, Zhu HW, Mellor J and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2024

Back to the present: self-supervised learning across cortical layers
Nejad KK, Hertäg L, Anastasiades P and Costa RP
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), Oxford, Aug 2023

Excitatory-inhibitory cortical feedback enables hierarchical credit assignment
Greedy W, Zhu HW, Pemberton J, Nejad KK, Mellor and Costa RP
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), Oxford, Aug 2023

AI-driven cholinergic theory enables rapid and robust cortex-wide learning
Filipovica M, Nejad K, Greedy W, Zhu HW and Costa RP
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), Oxford, Aug 2023

Cerebellar-driven cortical dynamics enable cognitive task acquisition and consolidation
Pemberton J, Chadderton P and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), Oxford, Aug 2023

Back to the present: self-supervised learning in neocortical microcircuits
Nejad KK, Hertäg L, Anastasiades P and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Montreal, Mar 2023

A cortical microcircuit for reinforcement prediction error
Chevy Q, Costa RP, Szadai Z, Balazs R and Kepecs A
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Montreal, Mar 2023

Excitatory-inhibitory cortical feedback enables efficient hierarchical credit assignment
Greedy W*, Zhu HW*, Nejad K, Pemberton J, Mellor and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Montreal, Mar 2023

AI-driven cholinergic theory enables rapid and robust cortex-wide learning
Filipovica M, Nejad K, Greedy W, Zhu HW and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Montreal, Mar 2023 [shortlisted for a talk]

Cerebro-cerebellar networks facilitate learning through feedback decoupling
Pemberton J*, Boven E*, Chadderton P, Apps R and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Montreal, Mar 2023

Cerebellar involvement in supra-second time prediction
Ellen Boven, Pickford J, Pemberton J, Cerminara N, Costa RP and Richard Apps
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Montreal, Mar 2023

Reorganizing cortical learning: a cholinergic adaptive credit assignment model
Filipovica M, Zhu HW, Greedy W, Mellor J and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2022 [selected for a talk]

Single-phase deep learning in cortico-cortical networks
Greedy W*, Zhu HW*, Mellor J and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2022

Cerebro-cerebellar networks facilitate learning through feedback decoupling
Boven E*, Pemberton J*, Chadderton P, Apps R and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2022

Hippocampal networks support continual learning and generalisation
Mohinta S*, Pedamonti D*, Dimitrov M, Malagon-Vina H, Ciocchi S and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2022

Self-supervised learning in neocortical layers: how the present teaches the past
Nejad KK, Pedamonti D, Anastasiades P and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2022

Cerebellum learns to drive cortical dynamics: a computational lesson
Pemberton J and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Mar 2022

Cortico-cerebellar networks as brain-wide decoupling machines
Boven E*, Pemberton J*, Apps R and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Online, Feb 2021

Cholinergic-mediated adaptive learning in cortical microcircuits
Zhu HW*, Greedy W*, Mellor J and Costa RP [* equal contributions]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Online, Feb 2021

Hippocampal encoding of continual reinforcement learning features
Mohinta S, Pedamonti D, Dimitrov M, Ciocchi S* and Costa RP* [* co-senior author]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Online, Feb 2021

Division versus subtraction: task-specific gating in recurrent neural networks
Montero ML, Nejad KK, Khwaja A and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Online, Feb 2021

Hippocampal population representations in reinforced continual learning
Mohinta S, Ciocchi S* and Costa RP* [* co-senior author]
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Denver, USA, Feb 2020

Hippocampal population representations in reinforced continual learning
Mohinta S, Ciocchi S* and Costa RP* [* co-senior author]
Workshop on Biological and Artificial Reinforcement Learning, NeurIPS, Montreal, Dec 2019

Does subtractive gating improve generalization in working memory tasks?
Montero ML, Malhotra G, Bowers J* and Costa RP* [* co-senior author]
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Berlin, UK, Sept 2019

Robust learning with subtractive recurrent neural networks
Montero ML, Malhotra G, Bowers J* and Costa RP* [* co-senior author]
UK Neural Computation meeting, Nottingham, UK, July 2019

Efficient memory replay through sensory adaptation
MacMillan C, Chua R, Jia DW and Costa RP
UK Neural Computation meeting, Nottingham, UK, July 2019

Efficient memory replay through sensory adaptation
Chua R, Jia D and Costa RP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Lisbon, Portugal, Mar 2019

Towards dynamic filtering in deep reinforcement learning
Chua R and Costa RP
European Workshop in Reinforcement Learning 2018, Lille, France

Statistical long-term synaptic plasticity predicts optimal excitation-inhibition balance
Costa RP, Padamsey Z, D’Amour J, Emptage N, Froemke RC and Vogels TP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Feb 2017
[Presenter Travel Award]

Long-term synaptic statistical learning: aiming for a postsynaptic target response
Costa RP, Padamsey Z, D’Amour J, Froemke RC, Emptage N and Vogels TP
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Feb 2016
[shortlisted for Travel Award]

Memory savings through unified pre- and postsynaptic STDP
Costa RP, Froemke RC, Sjöström PJ and van Rossum MCW
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Mar 2015

Probabilistic inference reveals synapse-specific synaptic dynamics in neocortical microcircuits
Costa RP, Sjöström PJ and van Rossum MCW
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (CoSyNe), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Mar 2013

Conference posters

Cholinergic adaptive learning for robust cortex-wide networks
Filipovica M, Nejad K, Zhu HW, Greedy W, Mellor J and Costa RP
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, Nov 2022

Cerebellum as a brain-wide decoupling machine
Pemberton J, Boven E, Apps R, Costa RP
Neuromatch, October 2020

Deep Generative Models as perceptual front-ends for decision-making
Montero ML, Costa RP, Bowers J, Ludwig C, Malhotra G
Mathpsych/ICCM, Virtual meeting, July 2020

Pre- and postsynaptically expressed spike-timing-dependent plasticity contribute differentially to neural learning
Mizusaki BEP, Li SSY, Costa RP, and Sjöström PJ
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, Nov 2016

Presynaptic NMDA receptors rely on RIM1αβ to control the readily-releasable pool at synapses onto layer-5 pyramidal neurons
Chou YCC, Abrahamsson T, Li SSY, Mancino A, Nuro E, Costa RP, Buchanan K, Elgar D, Blackman A, Tudor-Jones A, Murai K, and Sjöström PJ
Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, Nov 2016

Optimization of synaptic transmission during long-term plasticity explains expression loci
Costa RP, Padamsey Z, D’Amour J, Emptage N, Froemke RC and Vogels TP
Neuroinformatics, Reading, UK, Sept 2016

Long-term synaptic statistical learning: aiming for a postsynaptic target response
Costa RP, Padamsey Z, D’Amour J, Emptage N, Froemke RC and Vogels TP
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2016
[FENS-IBRO Travel Award]

Presynaptic NMDA receptors act via RIM1αβ to control the readily-releasable pool in layer-5 pyramidal neurons
Abrahamsson T, Li Sally, Chou CYC, Mancino A, Nuro E, Farmer WT, Costa RP, Buchanan KA , Elgar D, Blackman AV, Oyrer J, Tudor-Jones AA, Murai KK and Sjöström PJ
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2016

Presynaptic NMDA receptors act via RIM1αβ to control the readily-releasable pool in layer-5 pyramidal neurons
Abrahamsson T, Costa RP, Buchanan KA, Elgar D, Blackman AV, Oyrer J, Tudor-Jones AA, van Rossum MCW andSjöström PJ
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, Oct 2015

Reliable and flexible receptive field development through unified pre- and postsynaptic STDP
Costa RP, Froemke RC, Sjöström PJ and van Rossum MCW
Integrated Systems Neuroscience Workshop, Manchester, UK, Mar 2015
[Top poster award]

Control of vesicle release by cortical presynaptic NMDA receptors
Abrahamsson T, Costa RP, Buchanan KA, Elgar D, Blackman AV, Oyrer J, Tudor-Jones AA, van Rossum MCW and Sjöström PJ
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, USA, Nov 2014

Synapse-specific plasticity and calcium-permeable AMPA receptors expression in the neocortical layer-5 microcircuit
Lalanne T, Oyrer J, Costa RP, Chung AJ, Farrant M and Sjöström PJ
Society for Neuroscience, Washington, USA, Nov 2014

A unified model of pre and postsynaptic STDP
Costa RP, Sjöström PJ and van Rossum MCW
Bernstein Conference On Computational Neuroscience 2014, Gottingen, Germany, Sep 2014

Calcium-permeable AMPA receptors and synapse-specific plasticity in the neocortical layer-5 microcircuit
Lalanne T, Oyrer J, Costa RP, Chung AJ, Farrant M and Sjöström PJ
Physiology, London, UK, July 2014

Control of vesicle release by cortical presynaptic NMDA receptors
Abrahamsson T, Costa RP, Buchanan KA, Elgar D, Blackman AV, Oyrer J, Tudor-Jones AA, van Rossum MCW and Sjöström PJ
Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, Montreal QC, May 2014

Control of vesicle release by cortical presynaptic NMDA receptors
Lalanne T, Oyrer J, Costa RP, Chung AJ, Farrant M and Sjöström PJ
Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, Montreal QC, May 2014

Synapse-specific plasticity in the neocortical layer-5 microcircuit
Lalanne T, Oyrer J, Costa RP, Chung AJ, Farrant M and Sjöström PJ
Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, Montreal QC, May 2014

Probabilistic Inference Reveals Connection-specific Synaptic Dynamics in Local Circuits of Mouse Visual Cortex
Costa RP, Sjostrom PJ and van Rossum MCW
4th Cambridge Neuroscience Symposium: 50th anniversary of Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley Nobel Prize, University of Cambridge, UK, Sept 2013

Modelling Synaptic Plasticity in Large-Scale Neural Tissue Simulations of Chronic Pain and Drug Treatments
Kozloski J, Wagner J, Costa RP, Memelli H, and Gurev V
Biomedical Research Current Challenges in Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Labs and IBM sponsors. Napa, CA, USA, 2013

Probabilistic Inference of Synaptic Dynamics in Neocortical Microcircuits
Costa RP, Sjöström PJ and van Rossum MCW
Twenty Second Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS), Paris, France, July 2013

Target-specific expression of presynaptic NMDA receptors in neocortical microcircuits
Blackman AV, Buchanan KA, Moreau AW, Elgar D, Costa RP, Lalanne T, Tudor Jones AA, Oyrer J and Sjöström PJ
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2012

Presynaptic NMDA receptors differentially regulate release probability at neocortical excitatory synapses
Costa RP, Buchanan KA, Elgar D, Blackman AV, Oyrer J, van Rossum MCW and Sjöström PJ
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2012

The Impact of Synaptic Dynamics on the Structure of Plastic Networks
Costa RP, van Rossum M and Sjöström PJ
Workshop on Learning and Plasticity, Marseille, France, Nov 2011

Presynaptic NMDA Receptors Differentially Regulate Release Probability at Neocortical Excitatory Synapses
Costa RP, Buchanan KA, Elgar D, Oyrer J, Blackman AV and Sjöström PJ
UCL Neuroscience Symposium:32, London, UK, 2011

Target-Specific Expression of Presynaptic NMDA Receptors in Local Neocortical Circuits
Blackman AV, Buchanan KA, Moreau AW, Elgar D, Costa RP, Oyrer J, Tudor Jones AA and Sjöström PJ
UCL Neuroscience Symposium:39, London, UK, 2011

EPILAB: A Matlab® platform for multi-feature and multi-algorithm seizure prediction studies, In 4th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction
BM Direito, RP Costa, H Feldwisch, M Valderrama, S Nikolopoulos, B Schelter, M Jachan, CA Teixeira, L Aires, J Timmer, M Le Van Quyen and A Dourado
In 4th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction (ISPW4), Kansas City, USA, Jun 2009
[Top 5 Award]

Low-complex TD-RBF and TD-SVM seizures predictors based on EEG energy and ECG entropy
CA Teixeira, RP Costa, BM Direito, F Sales and A Dourado
In 4th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction (ISPW4), Kansas City, USA, Jun 2009

Towards An Emergent Computational Model Of Axon Guidance
RP Costa, L Macedo, J Malva, E Costa and C Duarte
Bernstein Conference On Computational Neuroscience 2009, Frankfurt, Germany, Sept 2009

Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Seizure Prediction
B Direito, RP Costa, R Martins, A Dourado, F Sales and M Vieira
Proceedings of the 8th European Congress of Epileptology, 8th ECE: 228, ILAE-CEA, Berlin, Germany, Sept 2008

Axon Guidance Simulation: A Multi-Agent Approach
RP Costa and L Macedo
Seventeenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS, July 2008

We have reviewed for: Science, eLife, Neuron, PNAS, JNeurosci., Cosyne, NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, TMLR, PLoS Comp. Bio., CONB, JPhysio, Front. Comput. Neurosci., JComputational Neurosci. and PLoS One.

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