We strongly encourage applications from under-represented groups, such as women, racial and ethnic or any other minorities (we are a member of ALBA, a network for diversity in neuroscience). We believe in the power of diversity and in the creative solutions and welcoming enviroment that it creates.

You will be working on AI-driven brain-wide credit assignment -- contributing to solving some of the most exciting and important problems in neuroscience. You can give your EoI here. Or get in touch directly (email)!


There are a number of prestigious fellowships available that would allow you to lead exciting research at the intersection between neuroscience and machine learning in collaboration with our group, such as:

PhD students

Oxford has a number of doctoral programs/funding which would allow you to join our group:

Master and undergrad students

If you are a masters or undergrad student at the University of Oxford, please contact us to discuss possible projects. We always have a range of exciting projects at the intersection of neuroscience and machine learning.

Neural & ML       Neural & ML       first.verylast (at) dpag.ox.ac.uk

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